And keep trash cans behind closed doors if possible. So, for now, let’s look at two basic programs…. To give you a better idea, check out my article on triggers and thresholds and how to work with them. A friend of mine and her husband regularly bring their adult pit bull over to play also. Can you make a video, upload it to Youtube and send me the link? We have 5 children and recently moved and I think it may have something to do with that. If you miss the cue you’ll be reinforcing the jumping. Check out this article on jumping and fun ways you can stop it from happening. When they first learn a new command, you may need medium or high value to treats to start them off and treat for every success. Check out the review I wrote to see if you’re interested and to make an informed decision. I’d love some tips on how to train my 5 months old German Shepherd puppy named Zeus . 🙂. You could try to desensitize and recondition her using the method in this article. Her behavior brings out aggressive discipline reactions from us and I don’t think that has helped. I am wondering if there is anything specific I should be doing to help him get closer to us.?? Jumping up is a behavior that has a lot to do with triggers and thresholds. If you happen to get an older dog, adult dogs can still be trained effectively. You can start training at any time. On Friday our vet found a tumor in her abdomen. Read this article on PTSD in a doggy after a dog attack. The sole purpose of obedience training is to teach your German Shepherd how to act at home and in social settings. We’ll take a closer look at some of these in future posts. You could try training him with one visitor at a time. If it makes her more stressed then it might not be a good fit. How are you feeling when he acts this way? I do not think his last family did much with him. A week ago my daughter came to tell me goodnight and he lunged at her feet and bite her. He took to me very well from the beginning. Our first GSD was a rescue as well but we never had this issue with him. Hey Gabriella. We try to get him to meet a lot of people. If she’s fine being at home alone for a time, I’d say she might be responding to the separation more because she’s older. Do this every time, even if you misjudge the moment and he reacts. And, if I can tell she’s not going to do well I’ll nicely tell the other dog owner that my dog is not comfortable and move on. And another benefit of these management systems is to stop her from practicing the behavior, since counter-surfing and digging in trash cans is rewarding for dogs when they get hold of food and even a dirty diaper. They should only be used to teach the behavior. At times – particularly in the park and he is off the lead (his recall is great), I will be on guard and need to gauge potential risks. Thanks a lot for this. If he’s not around a lot due to work commitments, this can help her get used to his scent. If your dog is doing something you don't like, try redirecting its attention to something else. I do not display worry or unease – just greater attention and focus – which pup is interpreting as danger. Work on training your dog for 20 to 30 minutes everyday. Both myself and the therapist never saw it coming. Regarding the barking every tiny sound he barks and just won’t stop. You can find my email address here. Another thing you can try is to figure out if there are other food treats she sees as higher in value than the ones you’re currently using. She was abused by her breeder and in some ways he broke her spirit. I am looking into a GSP, how long does it take to train one? Since she is afraid of riding in a vehicle it limits us to how far we can take her. she would do great with this add attraction as we have to work around kids quit a bit . German Shepherd Dog information including pictures, training, behavior, and care of German Shepherds and dog breed mixes. I need serious advice. Being a good leader means your GSD can and will always look to you for guidance. And there’s always the option to try using toys as rewards instead. But losing a dog that has been there through thick and thin is a painful experience. It's normal for dogs to go after cats. It sounds to me like your new guy might have had previous bad experiences with kids and or grown men. morning, Helping them develop is a life-long journey. And sadly at this point , with amount we’ve had to put out and it’s been extremely expensive we at this point even if I could find a behavioral therapist to work with him it’s just not affordable anymore especially due to this last test. Instead, try your hand at science-based dog learning. She’ll even growl if she comes up and lays next to us during story tune and he tries to pet her. You can pick up a clicker at just about any store or on Amazon. Then lastly, if you find that progress from your efforts has flatlined, it might be worth enlisting the help of a professional dog behaviorist. We did a snap test before hand Giardia still present but the profile test said in the notes if he wasn’t actively shedding eggs it would show no antibodies but he would still have it.and being as though snap test was positive. She’s not very affectionate but not aggressive either. And in my opinion, there's nothing wrong with that. He is only 10 months old, does not have any dog aggression, my mom has two cats that he likes to chase or let them rub on him depending on his mood. He watches everything very intently and is a very serious intense dog! Your German Shepherd comes from a long bloodline of working dogs. Sometimes it feels like pups do things on purpose but unlike us, their brains are not wired that way. Your body language and tone of voice being the two most important. If he jumps up, you’re holding it too high – lower your treat hand. Then as be becomes more well behaved add another visitor and so eventually he’ll be super well behaved even if you have a bunch of people coming over at the same time. Any kind of aversive training techniques where a dog has to do or not do something to avoid punishment, in my opinion is cruel. This is a huge concern. But if there are no underlying behavior issues, I see no reason why you shouldn’t be able to walk your dog. I’m not saying you can’t have a GSD while living in an apartment because there are people who have large yards who neglect the physical needs of their dog. He’s always greeted her licking her hand she’s petted him. Also keep in mind what the breed was originally bred for. So for example my German Shepherds might not make the best hunting dog since they are bred to guard and herd. But if he does jump just do the tree method until he stops and then drop the treats. She barks at a leaf falling, to other dogs etc. Or something 1/2 as good. Thanks. Just to give you an idea, my dogs need at least 90 minutes of physical play everyday and then there’s the mental stimulation and formal training sessions too. Happy family time. There are puppy preschools designed for puppies who have not yet finished receiving all of their vaccines. Deena. She doesn’t do this with my husband or daughter. But in April they’re being kenneled for 10 days. So the first thing I recommend is to make yourself the most interesting thing in Bia’s environment. I loved reading this artical, hope you have some for high strung puppies thats always on the go. It helped me a lot many years ago when I worked with my rescue GSD, Charley. I’ve just recently rescued a 3 year old German Shepherd and he seems to be a great dog! I’d like some advice on how to handle the aggression. I am so excited to have found this forum as I am just potty training my new little girl! We’re in the 57 & 61 age bracket, so we’re not very active people and I think this is hurting her. You can always go back to high value treats at any time you want to let the dog know they did something exceptionally great and you want them to remember that so you get that behavior again and again. Understandably, this guy feels a deep sense of regret. Any of these can cause situations you and your dog might feel overwhelmed in. Like when she sees deer, dogs, other people or anything that sets her trigger off. Good on you for inviting a fully grown GSD into your home. And I still use it today for my other dogs too. You’ll have to begin teaching leash training right away since you’ll be taking him outside on a leash for potty breaks. If the dog does something else in between the desired behavior and the reward, you are rewarding the last thing that the dog performed. However, the moment anyone else tries to come close to our house she goes mental. Let me know if there’s anything else you need help with. We have tried to redirect him, we’ve tried the firm but not yelling saying no. You need to get her excited about responding to your requests. The poor guy didn’t have a name, couldn’t sit/stay, or do just about anything. You and your mom should both work with Nathan on this game. Your puppy should be 8-10 weeks old and started on their vaccine series for this first class. In the park off the leash he likes nothing more than chasing squirrels and fetching the ball. They have high drives that need to be stimulated or they can become destructive and even depressed. The bowl will not always have food inside. The one particular girl I’m serious about is currently housed in Iran but is supposed to be in Canada by the end of the month. Keep in mind though that the Giardiasis can cause some malabsorption of nutrients, so your boy might be hungry more often. We were not prepared for the built in added protection feature that comes with this bread. I’m so please this article has helped you with potty training your new little girl. Thanks very much! But the fact that he’s not showing symptoms anymore is great, that means he’s probably not feeling ill physically anymore. Gabriella, If you were in a park for instance; you have no control over the distractions. But not sure how to deal with his crazy obsession with the you get husky. Sorry I hit the send button before I was finished. See if you like the way the trainer works with the people and the dogs. We have recently adopted a 5 month old. Hi! Here’s the link to the triggers and thresholds article. I am still working with him. So speak in an excited voice make kissing noises etc. You probably know most of this already but she discusses some of the symptoms of Giardia which you might find interesting. Your email address will not be published. Yes, within reason. Try associating meeting new people with something good, and make sure guests approach softly and give your dog time to smell them. I believe it’s made my entire year!! Taking into account his age and his breed he needs a lot of stimulation. More than that, you’ve given me a new benchmark for what my relationship with my GSD could be like. German shepherds are some of the most trusting, loyal, and loving dogs around, but training them – especially initially – is never a simple or straightforward kind of process! I walk him twice a day, I live on two fenced acres with another 12 yr old border collie that he has taken to and he gets plenty of exercise mostly me hitting a ball with a tennis racket until he’s had enough…. Further down the article is a great visual graphic you can use to follow the method. My dad uses “iron hand” against Nathan and because of that, Nathan’s kind of scared of him? You can see a very useful graphic of how this works here. That way I’ll have a better idea of how we can hash things out and find a way to help Soldier. She’s by my side every where A note of warning here, I do not recommend pushing your dog on his back or tail area to teach the “sit” command, for two reasons…. Obedience training is essential to avoid the development of behavior problems early on. I’m happy that you invited Cheyenne into your life and I’m sure you both are too. ", "I'm very sure that this article will help when training the German Sheperd we are getting. Be persistent and be prepared for things to go slowly you should notice less reactions to his triggers. If you love the breed, German Shepherds can’t be beat! I love the program because it taps into a dog’s natural desire to work and stimulates their brains which supports learning new and appropriate behaviors. Required fields are marked *. If you want to get a behaviorist in find someone who uses only force-free, positive reinforcement. Are German Shepherds more likely to bite than other dogs? She barks aggressively all the time and I’m afraid to have her around other animals or people. Here’s the link: This will be temporary management and I’d recommend keeping him on a harness and leash to prevent the circling. Thanks! The other option you could consider is working with a professional dog training on a one-on-one basis. Yesterday however, a storm came up, he broke out of the pen and was whining to come inside. Since you know the breed so well, you know that males can take up to 5 years to mature fully. It’s unique because it uses games to tap into our dog’s natural intelligence and teach them what we want more of. Literally the opposite of what I tell him. The morning she does this young toddler need sessions happy and short and give them up we! You considered the possibility of private training at your pace barking every tiny sound he barks and just because are. 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