In the post after that one I will focus on Branding the entire Web Access interface. var bPrivateMode = document.getElementById(“rdoPrvt”).checked; to: 1 2012 R2 term I set this one up just to test to see if MS fixed the problem in R2. Then install this hotfix: I tried to change your function that you wrote for your “Display Name” modification. Hi Camilo, strWorkspaceId = objForm.elements(“WorkSpaceID”).value; Hi Joe, An error has occurred; the feed is probably down. Thank you! In earlier tests to resolve this issue I thought it was a cookie-related problem. Change this line to: Can you use Windows 7 RDP with Server 2012 R2 SSO? ( Make sure you’re running SP1 already. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. An interesting observation when using IE: Notice its value is “false” by default and click Edit to change it to “true”. Yes, it’s the same here. And this results in the default error message “Username or Password not valid”. Bing would be your friend here. Contact your network administrator for assistance”. When I login without domain and only with a username it shows my Remote Apps. Ask the user to clear any cookies or even reset the browser settings to defaults. Click Ok. For the new certificate to take affect either restart the RD Gateway server or restart the RD Gateway service (labeled as Remote Desktop Gateway in services.msc). var strRDPCertificates = “”; To enable secure access to on-premises applications over the cloud, see the Azure AD Application Proxy content.. If you could write another article describing how to add expiration password warning to RDWeb page, I’m sure a lot of Internet users will be very thankful to you. Update: the second post in the series is published, which focuses on customizing the first main page. The Remote Desktop Gateway [RDG] role enables you to access your RDS environment remotely over 443. Domain\user name. Great article on customizing RD Web Access. Can you confirm the Windows 7 machines has all the RDP patches installed? Refresh or open the Web Access page and log on with a user account that has its password expired or Change on first log on enabled: Thank you very much for your posts! I know I promised that, and that it’s a while ago as well. I’ve made an unlikely beginners mistake.. I’ve edited the domain name away as you’ve suggested, including adding my domain into the .js file. The next step would be to secure RD Web Access. By default the middle option is selected with no groups created. 4. I believe that would give you the correct version. I did my initial setup using self signed certs but will eventually change to a trusted SSL certificate. Save the file. Stage 2 – 2KB2857650 x64 If you want to hide the Help link on the login page you need to edit %windir%\web\rdweb\pages\site.xsl. I am trying to limit the calls to support for unknown password resets. I’ve implemented your suggested solution and it works great! Update: the third and final post in the series is published, which focuses on customizing the second main page. Hi Andy, As soon as I find some I will create a clean solution for this problem. var bPrivateMode = true; Add an RDP Host. Hi Share There’s also a free download on the website which is sufficient for small installations or unknown urls. The result of these two changes should look like this: I don’t think it can be done. var strPassword = “”; an the “internal” Web Interfaces should build RDP files with contain gatewayusagemethod:i:0 -> with means don´s use a Gateway. This will also be the folder where we’ll do most of the customizing that’s discussed in this post. These changes are immediate, without the need to restart IIS. 2913751 (only if SmartCard is used) Hi Arjan, 1. strDomainUserName = “CHARLYMONKEY\\” + strDomainUserName; What am I doing wrong? Hi Share, Very similar as we use sessions in PHP to connect the page through previous page so that user cannot open that page directly. hi Arjan, Save the file. Hi Alex, 6. Update: It turns out the option to remove the necessity to enter the domain name only worked on domain joined machines. If you change the security type to a … I tried to change the text in line 14 under string L_CompanyName_Text = “custom text” but the change is not reflected. I used the two patches I mentioned not so long a go for a customer who was using Windows 7 clients to access remote apps from a 2012 farm, and those two patches did the trick there. Hi! Do this by entering “//” at the start of each line. Refresh or open the Web Access page and you’ll see the interface options for choosing a security mode is gone. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. RDWeb does not display warning that password will expire in X days. I’ve opened the login.aspx file in notepad to get rid of those grey lines but I’ve noticed that my file only contains 585 lines of text. Note: you need to make the same change on line 19 in “password.aspx” if you plan to allow or force users to change their password through the Web Access interface. Open “webscripts-domain.js” and move to line number 14: Untested, but that should do the trick for you. So one issue we do have is remote users with older OS’s like XP. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! For the life of me I can’t find the difference. Log on to your webacces with an account that works using Firefox or Chrome. Change line 87 if you want to use a different file to show your users, and change line 91 if you want to use a different external URL. I must admit my lab only has Windows 8 and 8.1 machines. It takes time until I get such an issue and try to deal with it… If everything is configured correctly you should be connected to your internal computer using RDP externally through your RD Gateway! Stage 4 – KB2923545 x64. Do the IIS logs mention anything? It now shows a new window with the contents of the rap-help.htm file. Hello, I want to add captcha verification to the login screen. I’ll rebuild the lab soon, and figure this out from a non-domain member. I want to add copmany logo or somethinh else. Interesting, since you’re not the first person to mention this. If you want to point the link to a totally different location you need to edit “login.aspx”. Step by Step Customizing RD Web Access 2012 R2 – Part 1 | msfreaks Fix my IT system: Customise RDS Web access login […]. Hi Bruno. I had similar issue and now it’s fixed. Also, when a successful password is reset, for auditing perspective what account is being used to do the actual reset of the users password? Change lines 513, 516, 519, 597, 609 and 612 from Would this indicate my install of IIS or the RDS was not clean? Service Providers usually set the UPN to reflect the user’s email address. Thank you. If you want to hide the grey dividers as well you’ll need to open “login.aspx” again. Could you enlighten me please? Hi Share. In this article. Firstly great guide it’s helped me a lot. This first article covers the basics first steps of any cluster, regardless of whether you are clustering Hyper-V, SQL Server Failover Clusters, File Servers, iSCSI Target Server or others. Thank you ! I know i can change it but i want to just hide it. The issue with my solution is that it indeed only seems to work from machines that are in the same domain as the RD Web Access server. I now understand they log in, click Remote Desktop or something like that and are presented with the new start menu full of tiles? When Any is selected, the Firebox negotiates the security protocol with the remote host.. Making these two changes turns the code to display the link into a comment and thus hidden. I followed your directions and I almost have everything the way I want. renderscript.js I have exactly the same problem as “webbingaway”. ( Log Out /  I know that those numbers represent milliseconds. If you’ve created a new user you may consider to force the user to change his or her password upon first logon, or you might want to offer the user to change his or her password when it has expired. On the RD Connection Broker server, use Server Manager to specify the Remote Desktop licensing mode and the license server. Browsers is IE 11. I changed the following 2 lines: ds.PropertiesToLoad.Add(“msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed”); return (results != null && results.Count > 0) ? So it works on Windows 8.1 and not on Windows 7. If you can help me in writing a piece of code for this solution, it will be a great highness of you. You want it to use “gatewayusagemethod:i:1” instead of the other two options you mention? Change line 44 to a commented line: I will post my experience. And clicking the link pops up a new window which by default shows the content from You can easily switch to a local file, which is located on your RD Web Access server. If your Gateway server is going to be a separate server add it to the Server Pool of your RDS Environment by going to Manage -> Add Servers, In Server Manger of your RDS environment click the RD Gateway icon, Select the server from the server pool you want to install the RD Gateway role. Hi Shimon, Sure. Hi Rob! 1st one is the termcontrol (was 2012 base, now 2012 r2) that i have setup for admin stuff. Thank you for the tip. your article is fantastic. And back to “login.aspx” on line 28: We need to fix two thing to be able to force users to the public setting without means to change it. The user then gets an SMS text message on their smart device that provides them a 6 digit numeric … Save the file. So here you go: Remote Desktop Web Access (RD Web Access) enables users to access RemoteApp and Desktop Connection through the Start menu on a computer that is running Windows 8, Windows 7, or through a web browser. 2592687 The first option is to assign permission to a AD Organizational Unit. I’m using RDP Client version 6.3.9600 on Windows 7 and having no problems. i’m testing next changes Does anybody know if it is possible to display this warning on the login page after user logs in into RDWeb App portal? The given username is without the domain, so if i click on “change user” and modify this to domainname\username, then my remote app launches. Thank you. I didn’t install the lab following your post. I think it’s the setting “Classic Shell” but not sure. I just put any type of synchronization that can avoid direct opening of Check out I’m still waiting to find some time to do a rewrite of that part. Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then press ENTER. I know this is a bit old now and you may not see it but i cant for the life of me figure out how to hide the RDWorkspace name text “Work Resources”. So, I can log in to RDWeb with no domain, but when I click the RDP icon in RDWeb to launch RDP session, I now get prompted for credentials, and have to enter domain\username. Thank you for this article. This article is the first in a series of articles on Clustering Windows Server 2012. Click Next, For installation it will create a self-signed SSL certificate that can be changed later. Enter the URL you want to use and click Next, Confirm your selections and FQDN name, click Add. Reblogged this on BeameX Place – Ramblings on Microsoft Technology and commented: Can you try the connection again from a machine that has never connected to the web interface, or delete all cookies. I have never had to do that. The RDGW/WA is on a different domain than the other ones. In my free time (hah! If i have to enter a specific session host, the Connection would not be possible during a maintenance window of this Server. Now I have updated my Windows 7 test-PC with the updates and in this order: Short answer is no. I selected Per User, but since this is just a guide setup, it really doesn’t matter. More news, and probably a solution, soon. Let me know if you manage to find a solution. If the login fails, for whatever reason (account locked, account does not exist, wrong password, etc) it just reports back that authentication failed. Hi Shimon, to Do you know how well this translates from Server 2012 to Server 2016? { If it’s just logos and colors you want to change, that’s actually pretty easy. When you connect to the web interface which is unmodified, and then log in, a cookie is created, and maybe this cookie is reused when you log in after you have done the modifications? At the time of writing these scenarios have been tested thoroughly and were working. Create a new GPO and link this GPO to the OU, in which the computers … I constantly get this message. I’ve added an extra part there to make this work on non-domain joined machines as well. It seems the password page needs an extension to the code on login.aspx. We can do it in AD, but would be great if the user could do it themselves! Uri.EscapeDataString(results[0].Properties[“msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed”][0].ToString()) : string.Empty; However, instead of 2 digit number of days left before password expiration I get 18 digits number. The ExpiredPassword is an exception to this rule and is handled in a different way.. Is there anyway to display on the page some sort of warning that will tell users number of days (14 for example) before their password will expire? Creating your cluster and configuring the quorum: Node and File Share Majority Introduction Welcome to Part 1 of my series "Step-by-Step: Configuring a 2-node multi-site cluster on Windows Server 2008 R2". It turns out that in 2012R2 the authentication functions are now no longer in a single file, but in 2 files. Windows 7 says when I launch a Remote App: “Your computer can’t connect to the remote computer because an error occurred on the remote computer that you want to connect to. This setting will prompt user when user logs in to the domain from computer. Other than that, this is not a known issue and it has not happened to me before. I have not delegated any accounts to grant the ability for this server or services to do that task in my AD. Hi All, Was anyone able to figure out how to get it to work without breaking SSO yet? 3 2012 base terms that are setup for session base hosting and web access. I am totally new to server RDWeb, i want to connect to RDWeb page linked from my website. var strWorkspaceId = “”; “Use the following credentials to connect:”, When I’m entering the domain name, it shows there DOMAIN\USER and it works fine. We have been updating our Windows 7 clients to 6.3.9600 in accordance with a useful matrix of the various RDP versions from, Stage 1 – KB2574819 v2 x64 Check this article out:, Hi Rob. That’s not possible. To configure what computers can be access through the RD … So internal users will not use a Gateway, bur external will ! Is there a chance to use RD Gateway to connect over Broker to one of the RDS Session Hosts or is it just possible to connect to a specific session host? Hi, i used this to remove the Domain\Username requirement so users only have to enter their username to make things simple. When I find some time I will rebuild this lab and see what is broken and how to fix it. The “password expired” warning works great but in some cases the user is not able to login and will be useful for them and helpdesk to know from the Web Access page that is because the account is locked. I changed the lines you say to remove domain prefix requirement. On the Users Groups tab you can change who has permissions to use the RD Gateway. Hi Andy, There’s just no text to show anymore. It was a 2012 environment which was upgraded to 2012 R2. This happens few times to different users a month since this cloud went live. Test your adjustments by reloading the page. This change will force the code to always configure for public mode. if ( strDomainUserName.indexOf(“\\”) == -1 ) There’s no way to differentiate on the actual reason for failing. You have three options: This step does not involve configuration of your RDS environment but on your network. This change is immediate so there’s no need to restart IIS. It would make things static if you could. }. This cookie contains the username which, if you logged on using “domain\username” in the first place, is based on “domain\username”, which will result in “domain\domain\username” since you hardcoded the default domain using the methods in this post. However, this broke SSO. Second – Trying to login from a different machine gave the same result. Any thoughts on how to make this change permanent? I’m able to log on using only the username but then no RemoteApp is working. The user’ login credentials for the website are used to validate the user (Web SSO), so no need to give them again. Recently I came across an issue which sounds strange, and I am looking for a possible explanation. They are currently seeing a “Metro” view, which I don’t know how to change from. Suppose on my website i have and there is a link to my RDWeb page I don’t want this link open directly from internet. Your question is a bit confusing. The public computer setting session timeout is 20 minutes, and the private computer setting timeout is 240 minutes. It makes things so much easier! That startmenu can not be turned off. As soon as the user presses the windows key or click the windows logo, they are again presented with the new startmenu (tiles layout). Unfortunately, I don’t know why that won’t work for you. Could you tell me what I should change to set up “Private” mode as default, not public? Changes made exactly as described in the files login.aspx, webscripts-domain.js and renderscripts.js. Removing the domain prefix requirement from the Web Access interface Applies To: Windows Server 2016. Solutions to day to day challenges working with Microsoft products, Step by Step Customizing RD Web Access 2012 R2 – Part 1,, Step by Step Windows 2012 R2 Remote Desktop Services – Part 3, Step by Step Customizing RD Web Access 2012 R2 – Part 2, BeameX Place – Ramblings on Microsoft Technology,,,,,,,,,, Citrix.WEMSDK Powershell Module for Citrix WEM, Deploying a Windows 10 VPN Profile from Intune for Azure VPN Gateway Basic Sku, Script to test the Citrix.WEMSDK Powershell module, Stop and Start Azure VMs using an Office 365 Calendar. You might want to consider changing line 27: Read it here. This topic describes the tasks necessary to publish SharePoint Server, Exchange Server or Remote Desktop Gateway (RDP) through Web … Very kind of you, but no apolgies needed :) Allowing or forcing users to change their password: Is it possbile if my RD Gateway is in workgroup? Make sure the domain name is all upper case. 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